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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]
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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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 No.1640[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you have a neat web community or chat group you'd like to invite people to? Maybe want to drop your messaging handle and strike up some conversations? Do it here.

Chat/community/personal ads are no longer allowed on the rest of the site, except maybe on /hell/.

Important Note: This doesn't mean that you can't talk about communities or chat groups. You could, for example, have a thread where you ask people about web communities they visit. You just can't open your thread with an advertisement.

One post per service please! Duplicate ads may be deleted. This especially includes discord links. To make a permanent discord link, click on instant invite, go to advanced settings, and change the expire time to never. Dead links suck. If your discord link expires, your post will be deleted and you may receive a short warning ban.
397 posts and 133 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Life is good, I even met a snail today.
But there's always room for improvement.
I've realized all of my remaining vices/addictions/distractions are online, so I'm trying something. Using an outlet timer, my router will shut off at 7pm every evening.

This still gives me some time after work to check in on websites I like, download any new anime, and check in on any online friends. But it won't let me spend an entire evening listlessly browsing or socializing just for the sake of socializing.
I'm hoping this will lead to me living more of my ideal life, which is primarily offline and alone. I think it will also encourage me to use my time on the internet with more purpose and motivation, and less guilt.
I'll let you know how it goes.

I'd also like to ask, what does the internet mean to you? What role does it play in your daily life? What would you do if the internet was much more restricted? What do you think this snails name should be?
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Ive found myself really stuck with the internet, i was alone my entire childhood and adolescence and the internet gave me an outlet once it existed enough to be one. I try to do other things but ultimately my attention span is just too awful for anything else, and my desire to do other things is purely superficial.


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The internet is my entire life. Even the way I think and write is influenced by the internet: I'm always framing my train of thought as an imageboard discussion. I don't have proper goals anymore. When I think about the things I want to achieve, the only real motivation is that I want to post about achieving them. But actually using the internet is miserable. There's nothing to do except refresh the same slow alt-chans and check my inbox/messages even though I rarely get messages.
Personal problems aside, I don't like the internet all that much. It makes finding information easier, but this rarely leads to any deeper knowledge, at least for me. It just increases the number of topics you're expected to have an opinion on, and even if you try to avoid them, it's difficult to not form an opinion unconsciously. Anyway, everything I feel like I have a good grasp on I learned through reading actual books.
Posting on sushichan's fun, so it's not all bad, though.
Last year, I had a month where I barely used the computer after reading a book on computer addiction. I spent most of that time studying chess and watching anime. If I had known that I would relapse after a month, I would have skipped the anime and read more.

>What do you think this snails name should be?



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Internet by itself isn't really that much of a vice for me I guess. I don't think I've ever had much of a place in an online community and tend to get bored of surfing after a while.

I did quit using smartphones though because I was spending too much time playing mobage, especially when traveling or doing things with other people.


I've been gradually drifting away from the internet lately. I have a handful of small, niche, comfy, slow, and rather minimal communities (mostly plaintext) not unlike sushigirl which I browse during the day whenever I need a break, but because they are slow, there's nothing keeping me there for long, and I go back to my activities. For the most part I use the internet to look up stuff on wikipedia, wiktionary, etc, and to download books.
Even though I use the internet less and less, I am still very much a netizen and I like to be part of this digital culture of sorts, but I try to keep it healthy and not get dragged into the shitfest of the modern web. My tablet has the factory version of chrome which can't open cloudflare, recaptcha, etc.

The snail's name should be Endymion


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i have been banned from 2 imageboards before, i feel like im starting to learn something but im still not sure

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Let's have a thread about pictures you personally took.

Here are some plants I found around where I live.
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The power on my block went out and I didn't want to waste the moment.


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That's beautiful.


looks like a midwest emo album cover


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Shouldn't it be "Kaitenzushi"?
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Happy Friday, sushis!


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my life has been so busy lately
but not in a bad way


I got my jellyfin instance + reverse proxy up & running… Now onto to calibre-web, if you have better alternatives please update me :3.


I am… eto… japanese goblin.


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You? A goblin? Interesting. Hey, do you really kidnap human and elvish women as often as they say?


Fridey night!


Es taco Tuesday


Happy Friday sushis!


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Spending this Friday night Bocchi!



Dance Dance Friday

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How do you sushi rolls go to sleep fast or at a reasonable rate? I've been trying to get a better sleep schedule, but a problem I've run into is that it can take me 1-2 hours to go to sleep. I know it sounds insane, but I can't fall asleep at a normal rate.

I've sleeping 20 minutes after getting off electronics. It helps, but it isn't enough. Any tips?
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I have cues that help me.
I put my tech away, drink some calming jasmine tea and take a warm shower before bed. Always go to sleep and wake up around the same time. It’s simple, but sometimes hard to remain consistent.


That's probably the responsible way to do it. It's just hard not to start to rely on it when sleep is so critical to being functional. Just gotta be careful.
That sounds comfy.


I take valium and drink


I don't have anything specific I do to go to sleep. Not sure if I like staying up or if I just don't like going to sleep, but I'll tend to just keep going until my body is completely exhausted. Then I just need to put my phone down for 10 seconds and I'm out.


Can't sleep; raining too sound

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 No.6652[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

(Didn't see a particular thread for this topic so making one) Anyone here married/have a family or otherwise older than the average imageboard user?

I hit 31 this year, have had a family for several years. Grew up and still enjoy chan culture yet somehow I've become trapped in suburban normie hell. It's a weird sort of loneliness. Anyone else know this feel?
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Not that sushi roll, but good to see you still coming back after all these years OP, hope you and your family are well.


Not being 100% ready is one thing, but my fear is it's just too late for me, as a 31-year old with no gf, no kids, and not even any IRL friends anymore, to start from literally zero percent.

I decided the internet was my "home" in my mid-20's and just gave up pursuing any social life IRL. Now I'm starting to regret that choice but realistically, I need a good IRL friend group so that any potential gf doesn't think I'm a creep. So that's 1-2 years minimum to build up the group.

Once I have a gf, we ideally should date another 2-3 years minimum before marriage, with another 1-2 years to see how the marriage holds before having a child.

By that point, I'm anywhere from 35 to my early 40's, assuming everything goes to plan which they never do in the world of social relationships. So much needs to go right that's out of my control, which makes me wonder if it's worth trying, or I just accept my fate and be an elder internet goblin til I drop dead unloved in a state nursing home.


I'm 30 and basically in the same boat. Emotionally I haven't given up but "logistically" speaking marrying and having a family just seems impossibly out of reach at this point.


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I turned 30 recently myself. I'm not too bothered about being older than the average poster since it's an sushi rollymous forum, and I don't think I'll ever grow out of imageboards. I've taken longer breaks before and I've tried everything from traditional forums to discord, but I always feel like I've come home when I go on imageboards. I find it very difficult to talk to people, even online, so this is one of the few environments where I feel comfortable enough to express myself. The feeling many of us have that imageboards are in decline has actually been good for me, since it's spurred me on to be a more active poster, even making OC and organising community events for another board.

I can't relate to the being married part, but it is what it is.


Cycling time for the oldies

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Thought this would be fun. You're only allowed to post on this thread during your birthday
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ehhh, i'll make some shoutouts too while im here

tepig is cool and everyone should be nice to them

the person with the drawings is cool and is one of the reasons why i collect so many gles

and >>14538 idk who you are but if you're nick then i want to become friends again dammit i don't care about any of the drama that's happened dude but if you're not nick then ignore my mad ramblings

anyways will probably go fr now, see you all next year <3


Not sure if troll or retarded.(USER WAS FORCED TO EMBRACE KINDNESS)


retarded, thank you for asking :)


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Birthday again today. Life's been shit for me lately but I'm trying to keep going.
Haven't been here for a while… hope you sushis are fine.
wow I thought I was the only one who knew about this release. good shit.


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It's like rain on your birthday….

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How many hours of day are you computer?
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i have to answer this question everytime i go for an eye exam and i'm always embarrassed to say between 12 and 16…


All of them.


about 12-15


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I'm pretty sure I wrote >>12772. Nothing's changed since then, but don't worry. Any day now I'll get my computer addiction in check. Trust me.


no john, you are the computer

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Hey sushi! What's your favorite bug?
My favorite bugs are moths! (spoilered the image for sushis who don't like bugs)
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little guy is doing his best to keep you safe from moths <3


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I've been reading up on speleology and I recently learned about troglobites. Troglobites are animals that branched off of from their normal family tree & evolved to live in caves. This means they're some of the most unique creatures on earth because they usually only exist in the cave system they branched off into. This also means most troglobites are endangered because theres only 1-3 habitats for them compared to their above ground counterparts.
Pic attached is the kauaʻi cave wolf spider which is completely harmless to humans and evolved to have no eyes!


heck yea I love cave critteres, olms are awesome
there's also a lot of cave-dwelling isopods


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I got (more) isopods!
And built a cute little display terrarium. I love these lil guys and really hope they do well for me, their colors are amazing


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I made a lil collage of all the species I keep

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