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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz
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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

File: 1714089436436.png (496.75 KB, 600x589, 空夜-coo_ya-静焔-Cover-Art.png)


空夜 coo:ya - 静焔


Hey this was pretty good. Any more recs?

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Yikii - Flower's Grave

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Emo thread
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I'm listening to this album, as it was released recently, and holy crackers this is a fantastic album. It really is on another level musically while still being slightly grounded. Willy Rodriguez is great in general but this album takes things up a notch in a major way. Sad it's their final album but what a note to end on.


ooh this is really nice


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Hello everyone! Let's have a shoegaze thread!!!

Please enjoy the artist I just linked right here, I think you'll find he's ever so pleasant
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Ok fair warning I don't even know how I found this band but here




I love this song so much I made a video (unofficial) for it. Fantastic band everyone should check out.


I will definitely listen to their new album


This was amazing! I feel different in a good way after listening to it.


Depeche Mode just feels great to listen to when I'm alone late at night. Their songs just feels so relaxing and the vocals are soothing and mesmerizing.

What Groups/Band/Musicians can you always listen to no matter what, Sushis?
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The album "Time" by Electric Light Orchestra never lets me down. In addition I can finally talk about music with my father.


For me it's The Antlers. When I can I like to sing along; sometimes, I'll close my eyes and pretend that I can sing as well as Peter Silberman.

Are you midwest, or west-west and can you do a cowboy accent?


I just got into Depeche Mode this year.. so good, where were these guys during my edgy goth revival phase.


For me it's Hole. I used to worship Courtney Love as a teenager lmao


stratoshpere by duster suits any mood i usually experience, so that is my pick


Post some of the best HC you are listening, im currently digging through the Dead Kennedys discography



Does this count as punk?


Why I've never though of a thread like this is beyond me. I could give you a lot bigger list if your interested in sludge or power violence too

Knocked Loose(If you don't know them somethings off)
Code Orange
Northlane(somewhat for their new stuff, kinda hit or miss)



Post your favorite MADs ITT.
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File: 1544383531282.webm (6.72 MB, 640x360, Jenny Rom - The game of l….webm)

Do you even jpg? Have some pixel love!


File: 1544689898416.webm (9.68 MB, 640x360, Our_Tapes_AMV_by_D5_Studi….webm)




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Any love for ants here? They just dropped few songs, all of them nasty and way better than anything from previous albums.

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I like that you checked in. Too bad about Keith, tho.



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Didn't know it was a cover, both songs are great.


Saw them live twice last year. Fucking great shows. RIP Keith.


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Gotta listen to the fat of the land again

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is there /tunes/core like there is /mu/core ?
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yes, this


I think this is /tunes/core


I think breakcore could be essential /tunes/core


When I look at the chart thread I see few bands that could make it as the sushicore by how often they appear. Personally I would like to nominate Soutaiseiriron.


this song should be essential to all sushis in my opinion

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konnichiwa sushi's post some good ambient music. I am listening to pic related right now.
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File: 1589946928662.mp3 (5.18 MB, 01 Void .mp3)

This one


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I really enjoy this guy's work. Pic related is a good compilation of Japanese ambient from the same era. Released after you made your post actually, lol. Called Kankyō ongaku: Japanese Ambient, Environmental & New Age Music 1980–1990.


Not really a song since it's only 75 seconds long but this melody is just sooooooo beautiful


I like Cosmo Sheldrakes instrumentals, his use of nature for sampling is a treat.

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