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/culture/ - arts & literature

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel
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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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been trying to watch cyberpunk stuff that i used to like, but im realizing i just dont enjoy it as much as i did as a teenager. feeling like ive just become jaded to stuff about the internet in a way i didnt used to be. changing is weird
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>Try being yourself, actually doing this that you enjoy rather than interneting..

Best advice. Life's too short to be bothered with media you dislike. No point in consuming something out of a false sense of nostalgia or because others talk about it.


Breaking news: Matt Walsh and the conservatives are afraid of anime and think its Satanic.



I like your construction of phrasification dude where'd u learn to speak such a way?


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For me it is the other way around lately. I have rediscovered some of the stuff I used to like 10 to 15 years ago and was surprised how much I'm able to enjoy them.

Changing is painful, if you try to fight it and cling to your treasured memories of the times, when you actually enjoyed the things, that have lost their meaning to you.

It's like trying to rescue a plant, that has nurtured the soil. You have to repot it for further growth and to repot it, you need new soil and a new pot. The soil is the experiences you made since back in the day, the new stuff you found, new people you met. The pot is your mind, expanded by your experience to comprehend and cherish new and old things alike.


Anime becoming mainstream has been the biggest mistake.

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more pics like this? also any idea where this came from?
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Can confirm, from loli hentai.


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need more of these


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that one's especially beautiful, thanks for posting it. It's a shame it seems like the artist left the internet

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Favorite Japanese movies?

pic related is mine
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I have this movie on my to watch list for years by now. Next weekend I will finally give it a try!

My favorite Japanese movie is "Summer Time Machine Blues". It's a lovely story and I enjoyed the humor.

For a more serious tone, I would say "The Emperors Naked Army Marche On". If you haven't seen this documentary now, you should. The characters involved are quite fascinating, the ending left me a bit sad though.


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belladonna of sadness is probably one of my favorite films period. it's a drama that intercuts animation and storyboard-like sequences. it's style over substance so definitely not for everyone but pretty incredible if it is your thing


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Thank you sushi roll
I don't know if you're still here but Eureka was a nice watch
I hope you're doing well fellow sushi


It seems odd to me that there is mention of the astonishing "Fish Story". Not just the best Japanese movie; the very best of all movies.

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I've watched a good bit of anime in the past, and a lot of what makes one appealing to me is when it's both pretty, and on the spectrum from comfy to melancholy that sushichan is sort of about. But I've never watched much other TV, except for whatever trash was on to kill time when I was younger, and it would be good to branch out more.

Does anyone have recommendations for shows that have that kind of vibe? From how people talk about movies it seems like that's more common in them, but sitting down for a whole film is a commitment while a shorter episode format is easier to just relax and watch some of.


Does it have to be live action? I don't watch a lot of TV that isn't anime but I quite like Over the Garden Wall, pretty cute and interesting short animated series.

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What're some comfy anime series?

I'm relatively new to anime and am looking for something slow paced in story line, and atmospheric in terms of soundtrack/sound design or animation. Only ones I can think of are Mushishi and House of Five Leaves.
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I don't understand what nyanpass is for. Could you explain?


It appears to be for にゃんぱすー


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Natsume Yuujinchou.
Surprised no one mentioned it yet, maybe it's not as famous as I thought.


dennou coil



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My office sent all of my stuff home with me yesterday, and I'm working from home until further notice. So that's actually kind of neat. This is happening all over California right now. Is anyone else working from home or having their social lives or work culture change in notable ways due to coronavirus fears?

I'm going to be doing tech support calls and customer trainings in my underwear; it's kind of surreal.
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Currently in college. All classes have been cancelled and moved online. Half my classes were online already and most teachers found it easy to transfer work in an online format so I'm OK. The weird part is my toughest professor is pretty chill online.
My main problem is my time management is shit so I always spend to long or to little on my work.
What I can't take is that I'm stuck at home with my mom. I thought living with my parents while taking gen ed courses in community college was a good idea to save money, but no that I'm stuck with her I can't take it. She tells me how to manage my diabetes in ways that aren't possible and pseudo science, she nit picks everything (sushi roll you have your backpack on wrong, sushi roll your jacket isn't right, sushi roll your pajamas are ugly), and she can't cook (vegan cheese, yeast powder, and hot dog sandwich)


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I've got a paid vacation starting march 17. It was planned earlier and happened to start exactly the first day of quarantine in our country by coincidence. Our cafe was shut down and everybody is home under quarantine, until further notice. I'm drinking tea in the comf of my house; people outside were panicking at the beginning, but it seems they've calmed down a bit.
That's it so far. Here is a picture of a blooming peach tree on my backyard.


Apparently more people are losing their faith in religion because of the pandemic according to this study.


I hope your peach tree will bloom again this year next month!! I look forward to seeing a new photo hopefully!


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I am an 'essential worker' so I've pretty much just carried on working as normal since I haven't much social life anyway. I did break my arm on the weekend before lockdown though so I missed the first few months of it. Kinda shitty timing because all the online food delivery slots were booked up but it was really hard for me to go shopping with a cast. I liked how the testing sites felt like a zombie apocalypse at night though, that was cool.

I gotta say, covid really nailed home how little community there is where I live. From what I can tell no one was helping eachother out or organising. We all live in our own box and rely on the 1st world supply chain to sustsain us. If any actual disaster happens we're definetly all doomed.

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Do any of you Sushis like fashion?
Are there any designers you like?
I think my favorit desingner is Iris van Herpen.
Her dresses look so other-earthy and natural :D
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months later, some Maison (Martin) Margiela and others


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I'm interested in fashion but don't dive much into it; the main reason is living somewhere where quality is very expensive and not diverse, the second is that i never really found a 'style'.
I do collect inspo though and try to think about how a piece may go with the rest of the wardrobe.>>1037



god what a cutie….


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dive in, sushi! even if you don't have the clothes or a style, it doesn't mean you shouldn't explore the field. most famous designers dress very boringly/plainly - outward appearance isn't a required part of the interest (but it is quite a fun part).
where you live can feel quite restrictive though, sadly


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Yeah, he's forbiddenly beautiful, with, imo, a perfect hair too…
One thing i love about his fit is the pullover. It's kinda loose and goes straight down as opposed to folding upward in the bottom and creating a bulge around your waist/hips.

True, i can still search around for stuff i like.

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Who likes pixel art?
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Here's one I made a few years ago. And yeah >>1023 these look amazing!


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I really really like the second one.
That's fugging great


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my pixel art has gotten weird over the past year.
Beginning/Middle/End of year in order.


Seen your posts on black fog. Very nice


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Finished those since last time, hope im not overposting hah

Thank you!

Its pretty cute, sushi

lol soy and bog, nice works, reminds me of world of horror

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To my mind, a zine of brilliant impressionistic pieces, a series of miniature anarchist manifestos, and a treatise on chaos magic.

But, "Don’t show this to anyone; I wrote it for you."


I appreciate that - thanks for taking the time… I submitted this as an assignment the other week in my "drugs and alcohol in literature" class, the lecturer had some interesting responses also!


Something I've been wanting to add to this project, though is taking time to draft out so I will do a rough edit here;

Gaj Treaty

Between the people that serve God, Gnod and the place where the garden grows - Gaj is perhaps a human form of entity; techgnod is the culmination of all decaying substances and will eventually consume life as a whole, while the treaty details that all three are in balance and exist according to one another. A fourth entity may be included once it is named.


I was going through my downloads to backup and found I had saved this.


saved what? you never attached anything.

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Any manga/anime/VN with an atmosphere or story like nausicaa of the wind valley?
I would kill for something like it, as i am tired of the usual anime and manga tropes.


I would suggest doing a tour of all of Miyazaki's films. I find that all of his movies have a similar vibe that can't be parallel even by other Anime.


Sherlock Hound (1984)

First 6 episodes were directed by Miyazaki, he had to quit in order to work on Nausicaa. It’s much more light hearted.

You remember the scene "The seven days of fire" ? it’s was realized by Hideaki Hanno, who later on directed Neon Genesis Evangelion.

I’d recommend Berserk. The atmosphere isn’t exactly the same tho.


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You must watch Porco Rosso if you haven't already, I can't believe I put off watching it for so long, it's beautiful.


Mononoke Hime.
Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa.
Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku.


If you liked the ecological themes you might like Gon, which is a superb drawn story of a little dinosaur engaging with other animal forms. If you want a graphic novel there's Puma Blues which is a beatiful story as well.

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