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/silicon/ - technology

from the trenches
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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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I use a lot of obscure websites, mainly imageboards, and I play on a lot of small vidya servers. I need a vpn so I can stop letting random people know where I live. I'd like it to be relatively obscure, so it isn't included in vpn blacklists. Are there any good vpns that aren't too popular?
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TempleVPN and riseupVPN are pretty noname services. They were free last time I used them


Mullvad, if you need port forwarding (useful for torrenting) then AirVPN


I use Mullvad.


Why has everyone forgotten about proxies. Just scrape some proxies, and use those. They work fine. Most folks who need a VPN just need a proxy. If you don't know what the difference is chances are you don't need to pay for a VPN service.



I went with PrivateInternetAccess, it's cheap(buy a year or two or three), and supports port forwarding/torrenting. May not be entirely as good a "safehaven" as mullvad, but it just werks with better features.

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Does anyone have any recommendations for a safe browser to use while exploring all these chans and neocities sites? So I can keep pretending I'm some kind of old internet researcher while not getting my address on 10 thousand different blacklists.

Any other app or tip would be appreciated too!
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i highly doubt that you are going to be on a list for browsing imageborads and neocities. most of the people there aren't doing anything illegal. the ones that are i hope they have good opsec and practice internet safety.


You can check here how well you can be tracked by any site.


It's almost impossible to stay sushi rollymous. The best you can do is use the most common client with the most common settings and environment to disappear in the crowd to some degree. Otherwise your best shot would be to fake a second online identity, ideally with a different machine you scavenged from a junk yard at least 30 miles away from your location with a separate gateway/vpn to access the web.


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You can clean the referer by dragging the link to a new tab.


Apparently I'm unique. It got my keyboard layout wrong, though.

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What are sushis working on right now? Any cool topics in computer science I should know more about?
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making a game where you hit people into other people with a baseball bat, will update you sushis if ever it gets finished!

godot is a great engine! at least for 2D, I heard 3D support is kind of dicey


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good luck sushiroll. godot is good, but yes 3D is still not doing great. currently working on this yume nikki clone with outfits in place of effects.


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I will now buy your game.


me too!:3


the selfie camera is perfect opportunity for a jump scare, but only after you've used it a bunch and only shortly after looking in the mirror.

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These are our newest images from the surface of another world. It's really, genuinely beautiful.
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I always feel melancholic about achievements in space exploration.
If I had sucked up to my profs more, I might have been able to get into their research labs for space tech. That could have been fun


I love it like everyone else, but I need more people. We need to get out of LEO again.

I know that feel. I work for NASA, but just having a bachelors (CS), I basically do industry, rather than research. Two sides of the same coin, I suppose. Grass is always greener as well.
Either way, follow your passion.

Don't know how old you are but I can almost guarantee it will happen, but as >>1774 said, small settlements will come before self-sustaining economies.


Fake photos…


Imagine being so gullible and retarded to think these are real lmfaoo


Why tho? What makes you think they are fake? If you say quality just remember that you probably have a 4k camera in your pocket right now.

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Crypto thread? Personally I think crypto is the future. No more centralization, no more states fucking you in the ass.
I also don't want to become a wage slave so I hope to make it thanks to crypto. Life is too short to not do what you like.
What cryptocurrencies have you invested in sushinons? What are you bullish on?
It would be cool that we all make it.

Personally I am extremely bullish on Bitbay. I missed the Ethereum train but I think Bitbay will be the next moon mission in 2018. It is the sole working decentralized marketplace and trustless contracting platform while fixing many BTC flaws and planning to have a decentralized peg that brings price stability by preventing volatility, especially from whales shady manipulation. The price is still fucking low (23m market cap) so there is a lot of growth potential. For instance, to have a x2 ROIs with ETH, it would need 30 fucking billions of dollars, while with bitbay it would only need 23m. It is far more likely in the latter for this very reason.
Pics related why I am bullish on it. It has both mainstream and darknet potential.
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It has.


what purpose does crypto have that does not involve selling crypto?


obfuscation of monetary transactions, decentralized banking, circumvention of domestic regulations


Scamming pople off their real money
I kid, there's no such thing as real money.


I'll buy in!

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where did real /tech/ go
i miss those guys
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I'm not so sure people want to make genuine friendships online anymore either. I'd say it feels harder than ever to make real connections with strangers online, though I'm not exactly sure why. But I do agree that the airline-bar sort of experience like you mentioned is gone too, which I really miss. So we're just in a strange void where we have… neither?

Most normal people only use the internet to talk to people they already know in real life, in private chats; or to yell into the void on platforms like Twitter or Reddit or the unending Discord servers.


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This sums it up pretty well. I am sorry for the downer but people like yelling into the void for some reason. Maybe some of them should consider getting a rubber duck instead.


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This is actually true. The airlines are closed. But let me state my defense.

The towns, the bars and the pubs are not yet closed. They might be sparse and in the middle of nowhere a lot of the time but there are still plenty of them waiting for new and interesting people like you. And there are still plenty of regulars like me visiting them ever-so-often, so don't feel shy to wander a bit.

After all, Hermes is still here for you!


What makes a person interesting anyway?


Liking a thing! Literature, mechanics, agriculture, horticulture, husbandry, puzzles, philosophy, religion, chemistry, collection, animation, anything and everything that can be liked is interesting someone.

The thing is that "interesting" isn't an innate quality. It means that you interest someone. And everything interests someone. You just have to find those people that are interested in it!

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Most people in the modern Western world use Technology every day in some way, shape or form. The term Technomancy itself combines the prefix "techno-", originating from the Greek word tékhnē, meaning “skill, art or craft”, with the suffix "-mancy", used to denote any way or form of divination and magic.

How many sushi rolls here have checked out or tried Technomancy?

Technomancy 101: https://technomancy101.com/



As a methodology for wholeheartedly embracing technology and learning a lot about it to create whimsy and joy in our lives, I’m into the concept. Kind of like a less cynical cyberpunk mindset. We’re surrounded by technology but it’s very rarely truly “ours”.


In the sense of whether it's "ours" or not, there's this idea called panpsychism. It's about things that arent seem as sentient or less sentient than animals / mammals as having consciousness to some degree. This includes "inanimate objects" like rocks, metals, crystals, plants; etc. and extends to computer components. Considering that computers, smartphones, TVs and more possess metals and crystals within them, which the latter are noted in soiritual communities as being particularly conscious, it all points to technology having consciousness; agency in some way.


Yeah I've used sigil generators and tarot bots but those are jusr rng right???

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Lainchan.jp is now dead
Victory to: Lainchan.org


stopped reading right there


There's still solarpunk, I don't think those people have quite lost the "sub" aspect of their subculture. If the next twenty years play out like the last twenty years solarpunk is probably going to get co-opted too and it'll probably turn into a way to glamorize being poor and not having medicine after a climate apocalypse. But for now it's gritty enough and fairly real and rebellious and still comfy imo.


The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi



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Just finished reading snow crash, started off pretty clearly more of a parody of cyberpunk but it kept it grounded enough for the most part as far as cyberpunk goes. Unfortunately it kind of goes to shit around the last 100 pages. Most of the plot threads are wrapped up in a deus ex machina way and doesn't really seem satisfying. Also the book centers a comparison between Sumerian languages and hacking which is cool enough and everything but I feel like they do a fine enough job explaining that connection the first time they bring it up in a pretty long exposition dump but then the author goes on to do basically the same info dumb five more times in the book driving home stuff the reader already knows over and over. Also another big issue is the virtual world component is super under baked and could really be cut out of the book entirely, the author tries to make some final confrontation in the virtual world but it doesn't really make much sense why they have to race on motorcycles or have a swordfight at all when its just a computer program owned by the antagonist who could just teleport and instantly send the virus to everyone with a computer in front of them. Lastly when the author tries to write cool teenager dialog he sounds like a 70 year old. Fun enough book as far as cyberpunk stuff goes.


>when the author tries to write cool teenager dialog he sounds like a 70 year old.
Keep in mind this was originally published in 1992, teenagers talked differently 30 years ago.

I've read a few of this guy's books, and seems like they all start out with a semi-realistic premise and then go into straight fantasy towards the end and handwave a lot of the technical details of how any of this would really make sense. Anathem had some interesting ideas, but like in Snow Crash the last 100 pages or so ends up being some borderline deus ex machina stuff.


Planned obsolescence – devices intentionally designed to break over time – has been getting really bad in recent years. Everything is disposable. Even when hardware works, you no longer get software updates, which can make a device useless because it'll no longer get security fixes or support for modern apps.

And haven't you noticed how, when a tech company comes out with a new product, they shit all over their old ones? Like "our new device is so awesome and fast, and our old one was so clunky and shitty by comparison!" But then a year later, they do the same process over again. And you're thinking… you bought it because people said it was good. But then the company that made it said it sucks. They do it to get you to buy the same thing over and over again.

When will this stop? Do you think everything will be disposable forever, or will there be enough backlash to planned obsolescence that will reverse this trend so that electronics in the future are made to last longer? People talk about "the invisible hand" of "the free market" but maybe government regulation is required to stop it.

An example of this is how my friend's phone battery wouldn't last very long, so he bought an entirely new phone, even though I told him I could replace the battery if he bought one on Amazon (and they were really cheap).
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This post is uncomfy. Please return to your uncomfy board and be uncomfy there. Thank you~~


There's a marked difference between technical software and "mass" software in that respect. Most technical software is tightly coded, not necessarily without spaghetti code but generally lightweight for what it is, and they tend to have very high backwards compatibility. If they don't have backward compatibility then either it's a totally new sort of software for a totally new sort of data or it's a piece of shit 'ware.

Hell you can kind of even see it for Windows, the most "mass" software there is, because Windows has a sizeable technical userbase that needs it to keep supporting a piece of software written in the 80s by a company that's gone bankrupt in the 90s for hardware that hasn't even shown up in landfills since 2000, that's why you still can't name a file PRN, because writing a string in command line to the PRN file is a fucking ancient way to get a printer to print something that no printer has actually used for decades but somewhere there is a research team whose analysis software needs the ability to print something by writing to the PRN file and Microsoft knows that.

Mac, on the other hand, has basically a nonexistent technical userbase (and I mean like actually technical, not idiot art/music majors who think they're the next Chopin or Picasso) so they get away with dropping backwards compatibility for something only a few years old every update.


>"our new device is so awesome and fast, and our old one was so clunky and shitty by comparison!

I sometimes think about that too, wouldn't it be funny if they used the Iphone 14's adverts to sell the Iphone 13?
"The new Iphone 13, a whole 50% slower than the Iphone 14!".

>but maybe government regulation is required to stop it.

This never works, it just create an extra level of bureaucracy and useless rules to follow. Just look at the repairability score France just implemented. It's just another fine print that no consumer care about.

This is not the duty of the state, it's the duty of consumers to stop falling for the shiny new toy every year. I think most people are completely fine with planned obsolescence, maybe even unconsciously hoping for it so that they can justify a new purchase.


to be fair notepad++ is shit and shouldn't be taken seriously


A thin phone with a good case becomes a slightly large phone that's near impossible break

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 No.257[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's talk coding and software, sushis, because I don't do enough of it and I really should. Let's hear about projects you're working on, stuff your coding, learning. Trade secrets, info, tips, whatever. Programming isn't something that should be done alone in a corner.

I guess if we need a thread starter, I want to brush up on my coding skills. I want to find something to play around with, something not as mainstream as the stuff like Java and C, but will still be useful in a professional setting, something I can make usable stuff out of.
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It only lasts until the third line in the definition of burger where / doesn't make sense on sandwich (the set of integers).
The rest is just random words and notation from abstract algebra and category theory.

As >>2055 said, higher maths isn't supposed to be esoteric, it's just rarely taught. I actually find the notation to be very beautiful, it has a terse precision that regular language can't match.

Try reading a bit on group theory if you're interested, it's a really fun topic and you don't need any prereqs because it kind of rebuilds how you understand algebra. You'll probably get a kick of out the generalisation of symbols and notation too since it concerns how arbitrary objects can be manipulated algebraically if there's a way to combine them that satisfies certain properties.


Inspired by the recent discussion I started reading "Categories for the working mathematician", it really feels like wizardry! But even though I am able to follow the text for the most part, I realize there's a lot I don't know which is mentioned as examples, eg. the tensor product for groups. So I might want to go and fill those gaps, say, reading Dummit and Foote (though then would I finish?), and then, who knows, I might want to read some algebraic geometry (Hatcher?), and also fill up the gaps in linear algebra beyond the basics of vector spaces, matrices and vector calculus to which I've been exposed.
I was thinking of reading the HoTT book as well, which I think kind of overlaps with this stuff. Higher mathematics is really nice! But it's so damn huge, I feel I'll never get to the point where I can read a book and understand all of it's content.


I've just started descending the abyssal rabbit hole that is constructive mathematics and type theory. Maths is truly terrifying; the areas of study and seemingly infinite and each one is too deep to ever gain mastery over.


>constructive mathematics and type theory
Ohhh that sounds tasty. Does it related to Ocaml?
Unrelated, I've been thinking of picking up some webgl for some interfaces I want to make later, and maybe for games. Anyone played with it?


>Does it related to Ocaml
Yeah, the ML family is ths major representative of the typed lambda calculus and of type theory. Constructive mathematics is mostly done with another branch mostly in that family, of proof assistants like Coq or Agda.
I'm starting to learn about it. It seems more convenient than regular opengl, as I always struggle with details when handling arrays and memory in C++. But besides that, it's not a whole lot different, just a bit more convenient. I don't know if it is significantly slower, but the point is that it uses the GPU as well so once the primitives and shaders are sent to memory it shouldn't be that slow.

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