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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics
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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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This is getting out of hand. I'm starting to become convinced that someone's got a dart board of random occupations and every few months throws something at it and licenses a Rem figure of whatever it hits.

I look forward to dental hygienist Rem next year.


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She was made for lewd.

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These things are pretty cute


aw I want a lil Suletta


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Arrived today!

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Mushroom girls!


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These figures are beautiful. Things like this make me wish, I had more money to spare.


oh these are awesome
I might have to get one


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I own the first one they did. She's the only figure I own that isn't based on an existing character.
It came with a cute booklet with illustrated assembly instructions and mushroom information.

The two little mushroom figures next to her are unrelated mushroom figures, but they fit nicely.

Ended up passing on this one, even though it was tempting.
Now she is tempting me too!

I'd have to get them all.


Wow! Very cute! I like the bonus mushrooms with her.

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Can I get a recommendation for an anime or manga that includes plenty of lolis, shotas too if possible, is absolutely overflowing with fanservice, is unimaginably fucked up, trauma, gore, etc, and ideally has vibrant and complex world-building.

I've already seen made in abyss, elfen lied, and a certain series.

the loli fanservice part is nonnegotiable I want absolutely gratuitous fanservice.
6 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1659934710638.webm (Spoiler Image, 11.49 MB, 650x480, Alien9.webm)

Ooh Alien 9 is a great rec if you want "fucked up shit" lol. It's a really interesting anime. Somewhat spoiler-ey webm related.

Mitsudomoe as well if you just want cuteness with some chubby loli service is a fun show.


I've currently watched Barefoot Gen and it was amazing.

I can also warmly recommend the original Devilman OVAs from the 80s. They have a very dark art style that's lovable.


>I've already seen made in abyss, elfen lied, and a certain series.

A certain series being Kodomo no Jikan? Because if not, that fits exactly what you are looking for.


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I think they mean a certain index/railgun.


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Doku doku mori mori

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Get in the car Miku! There's no time to explain!




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Get in the robot, Miku!

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Summer season has already arrived and I haven't decided what to watch yet!
Have you sushi?
14 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I'm in love, sushis …


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Take good care of your feet, sushis!


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Do you remember
The 21st night of September?


I forgot …

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For just ¥45,000, you too can own this horrifying live-action Luffy figure!


Monkey d Luffy!


It’s so bizarre that I kind of love it


the stretchy limb parts are extra-uncanny wwwww


I like it.


Tbh that's not how I pictured a realistic Luffy would look like, but it's probably accurate.

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>With all my might, I turned towards the crackling fire. In that instant, Lancelot's bandaged left arm, which looked like it had been painfully injured, caught my eye.

I'm less worried about his arm, and more worried about what kind of horrible injury caused him to lose his nipples!


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I ate em…..


you monster…

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where did my ping pong girls go?!
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Append XEXzQsz4 to pastebin
I couldn't screenshot the thread for some reason but at least copy/pasting the text somewhat worked.


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I finally managed to circumvent the bot filter


I've got chapter 3 typeset, but a few questions before it's release-worthy:
Missing TL for the table of the match-ups.
Missing TL for Scorp's background text in the bottom right panel.
Missing TL for the last bubble.

I'm fairly certain using "match" to refer to the entire round is incorrect. A match is the outcome of a series of games, so each of the five rounds of play is a match. I'm not really sure what the best way to refer to the whole group of matches is (open to suggestions), but the language should be point->game->match->???.
Personally, I've never been a fan of "Taily", but the first TL was and I'd rather preserve consistency unless something is just flat-out wrong. Because then I'd have to go back and change it everywhere else.
Speaking of consistency, Koyori's panties are pink. The anime made them peach, we changed it to pink, you've used both, but I'm standardizing them all to pink.


Man, chapter 4 is good. Didn't expect to see that.


Don't publish yet. I found some curious information and I'm working on the second half of chapter 4.

Dumped all the other chapters at >>5145

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